Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Island Giveway

It is hard to believe that two weeks of January have passed. I finally put up all the Christmas decorations. Hobby Lobby has 90% off on what they have left and I bought about $1.50 worth to add to an arrangement next year. A very nice local store here has 75% off. They had some lovely wreaths around $25 but I don't really need one. They really are pretty.

It is hard to get going with the gloom of winter. We have had some sunny days but the next few days will be really cold.

Check out womansday.com/giveways for a whole list of good things that you can sign up to win.
The vacations caught my attention and there were several including some specials to DisneyWorld. Trips include Dominican Republic, San Diego, Poconos, and the Turks and Caicos.
Someone has to win!

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