I have just started back in my Precept Bible study on Isaiah. We are just on chapter 3 but we have already learned so much.
I was humbled when we got into chapter 3 and I saw myself there. Israel is living in great sin again and they have forsaken the Lord, turned their backs on Him and rebelled in speech and action.
Then in chapter 3 verse 16 it turns to the daughters of Zion (Israel). They are proud and walk with their heads held high, wearing headbands, anklets, ornaments, dangling earrings, bracelets, veils, headdresses, sashes, perfume, finger rings, nose
rings, outer tunics, undergarments, cloaks, money purses, and hand mirrors. God is going to afflict their scalps and take away the beauty of these things.
What hit me at my age is worrying so much about wrinkles and grey hair.
But in chapter 1:18 God says to them "Come, let us reason together."
He is willing to help us work on our issues and that is why prayer and reading His word is so important.
I am glad I found these verses because it has opened my eyes about some of the things I do and their importance.
Getting the Christmas Tree
1 month ago